Sunday, January 22, 2012

Varmit Spray

As the time to go to Tanzania comes closer, I had to get serious this weekend about packing.  It was recommended to us to spray our clothes with Permethrin spray (AKA Varmit Spray).  This product can be found at your local REI store- where my travel buddy Debbie and I entered for the first time in our lives last week (for purchase of said spray).  While there we also examined other products that might be helpful to use on this trip, like a "Go-Girl" which will have to be the topic for another blog.
Back to the spray, per the directions, you must spray all your clothes in an open air area.  My chosen area was my backyard clothes line.  The only challenge was Baltimore'e ice/snow storm Friday night/Saturday morning.  Not to be outdone, I decided to go ahead and hang out my long skirts and short sleeved t-shirts on our line on Saturday.  As I was breaking the frozen clothes pins and clothes lines apart so I could hang out my soon-to-be-sprayed clothes, I couldn't help but wonder what my neighbors were thinking- "She has really lost it now," "Really, she has to have short sleeved t-shirts in this weather."  Determined in my task, I pushed on and sprayed with gusto, imagining all the Tanzanian varmits that would be deterred in my future.  After "airing" for the recommended 4 hours, I returned to my frozen back yard to release my now varmit-repellant clothes.  Now I had to break the frozen clothes from the line and again imagined what my neighbors were now saying, "What a cuck-koo bird- frozen clothes, really?"  or maybe they were thinking Do-Do Bird-isn't that an animal in Tanzania?
Needless to say, I still have plenty to prepare for and study up on before my trip.  So stay tuned and thanks for joining us on the journey! Marilyn


  1. Sounds like a typical trip prep so far!!!;)

  2. Lol! Must be some powerful stuff if you can actually spray your clothes with it two weeks before you'll even set foot in Tanzania and it will STILL repel varmints when you get there! :)
