Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kiboko Room

Karen and Don Hohne in front of the "Kiboko" room at the Usa River Guest House (Kiboko = rhinoceros)  As you can see, we arrived in fine shape. We were met by the palliative care team from the Nkoaranga Lutheran Hospital- with roses for the ladies and a fabulous meal once we arrived at the Guest House.  We have been traveling for over 24 hours now, all have taken a shower and about to tuck into bed for a busy day tomorrow.
BTW Debbie has the "Swala" Room (gazelle we think) and mine (Marilyn) is the "Tembo" Room (elephant).


  1. Glad to know you had safe travel and such a sweet welcome. Sounds like a great start to a great trip!

  2. Very cute that all the rooms have their own animal name! I think dad will be pleased that you are in the elephant room. Love you!
